Saturday, October 3, 2009

No more eye-poking for a year (hopefully)

So, I missed my initial return to the ophthalmologist that was originally scheduled for Friday, September 25th. I called them to confirm the time on the morning of the 26th and was told that "it was 8:45 YESTERDAY". Oops. Coulda sworn it was supposed to be the 28th. Rescheduled for October 2nd at 10:30 and had my pupils dilated and more scleral indentation done (eeeeh, I hate it). No retinal tears, just gobs of floaters still. I've gotten used to them somewhat because the headaches are fewer and farther-between. (And could actually be caused by the pituitary problems anyway.) Unless it gets worse or refuses to get better, I don't go back 'til next year. But no invasive eye surgery is in my immediate future. Thank God.

Next Saturday afternoon, I go talk to the endocrinologist and hopefully start my road to normal hormone levels. We'll find out and I'll let you guys know here.
