Wednesday, March 31, 2010

You ever have one of those mornings where... wake up crying for no reason?  Well, I woke up the other day bawling.  Unfortunately(?), I remembered the dream.  It wasn't what you might expect: A long dead favorite pet, friend, or relative.  That last bite of really good meat that ends up having a squitchy in it.  Torture by nose-hair pulling.  The inability to dial the phone.  Nakedness in school.  Nope, none of that stuff...

It was my faerie's Song Time.  You see, when a faerie's Song Time comes, she must leave her human friend and become "one-with-nature" until the next cycle.  Luckily, I was with her and got her to the Place of the Crying, where faeries need to go to make the transition properly.  If their human companion is able to be present and participate in The Crying, she will be able to become part of a nearby tree or bush or other natural thing.  But more importantly, she'll be extra strong and pretty much invulnerable during the next cycle.  The only bad thing is she and the companion will never see each other again.

Yeah, I don't know what the hell that was either, but it was really sad to wake up from.  Good luck little faerie!

By the way, this is not even close the the weirdest dream I've had.  Not by a long shot.

My head is full of scary stuff.
