Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I stalled as long as I could and finally went to the endocrinologist yesterday.  After 6 months or treatment, I'm really not feeling much better, so I gave up 7 more vials of blood for testing and get to go back next Wednesday.  I will, of course, keep you all apprised to the situation.

On a store related note; we will have brand new Twilight t-shirts just in time for Free Comic Book Day!  Not only for us kiddies who work at Twilight Comics, these shirts will be available for sale this weekend at 40% off!  While you're here picking up your Twilight-Tee and Free Comics, don't forget to pick up the coupon for a free Astonishing Spider-man.Wolverine #1 (on 5/05/10) and our Month-Long-Sale Calendar for May that will give bonuses to people sporting the new Tee!

Don't forget to check out the revised Staff Page, giving special note to our newest family members!
