Over the last couple of weeks I've had a couple of low blood sugar events. Not a fun thing. The first time my blood sugar was 42. I've
greened in my part of the happy time:
Signs and Symptoms:
Since glucose (sugar) is the brain's primary fuel, your brain feels the following effects of hypoglycemia:
- Headache
- Excessive sweating
- Blurred vision, dizziness
- Trembling, lack of coordination
- Depression, anxiety
- Mental confusion, irritability
- Heart palpitations
- Slurred speech
- Seizures
- Fatigue
- Coma
Luckily, Shannon grabbed me a Coke that I slammed and within an hour I felt okay. The second time my sugar got down to the low 60s and I couldn't figure out what the deal was. After a Coke and an ice cream drumstick (an over-compensation), I started feeling better for about twenty minutes and then started feeling crappy again. Blood sugar check showed me at 220! After a little thought, I tried a little experiment: I'd been eating A LOT of peanuts lately. I ate two handfuls of peanuts and within ten minutes, my blood sugar had dropped 60 points. Huh, who'd'a thunk it?
Peanut info!
Next week: Sleep study and blood donation #2!