Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Silent Treatment

Yeah, I've been getting your emails.  I'm not ignoring any of you.  I've been extra busy getting ready for Christmas at the store and stuff.

Anyway, to answer many of your questions:

I went to the endocrinologist yesterday (10:15AM appointment; got out by 12:20PM - not bad).  No hormone test results, but, my bad cholesterol, A1C, triglycerides, and thick blood are making excellent progress in the down direction.  My "good" cholesterol is low and my blood pressure was a touch high, but otherwise, I'm apparently doing very well!  After a couple of months with the breathing machine, I've progressed to an average of 5 1/2 to 6 hours of sleep a night, better but not yet ideal.

So, there's the long-awaited health update. :)
