Two weeks ago, I announced a Christmas Party for the store. Posted it on our Facebook page, had a page on the website (1000ish hits per week), and announced it in the newsletter (500 subscribers). All I asked was for people to RSVP (in person, via email, or on Facebook) so I could order enough FREE food for everyone. We were going to have prizes, games, FREE food & drinks, and (because most people expect it) a sale. The deadline for RSVPing was 12/11/10, 'cause I wanted to get something more than $5-hot-and-ready pizzas. Guess who RSVP'd? Me and Alyssa. AND NO ONE ELSE.
So, no party or sale on the 18th. We'll still be doing our annual Christmas Eve Sale (12/24/10, 'natch) and End of Year Clearance (12/26/10-12/31/10).
But take this as fair warning: I'm going to have MY 40th Birthday Party at the store around the 11th of January (probably on Sunday the 9th). There's going to be free food and cake. I'm going to give away stuff. There'll be a sale. I might want to play some games. I'll be posting the details this weekend on Facebook and the website. I will also make handouts, for handing-out, in the store. If we don't pack the store for FREE STUFF IN THE MIDDLE OF JANUARY (as opposed to a week from Christmas when you might have already had plans), I may hit people about the head and neck with a thick stick.
P.S. I got out of the hospital after only two nights, but spent most of the last week and a half whining and coughing at home. I will be whining and coughing at the store more this week.